Wednesday, November 21, 2012



I am so tired! I went to my mom's house early today to help her get as much done for tomorrow as possible. We did end up getting A LOT done but as a result I am now exhausted. I guess I'm still learning what my limits are now that I am pregnant and most of my body's energy is going into creating a human.

What We Accomplished Today 

  • Baked the cornbread
  • Made whipped honey butter
  • Made cranberry-raspberry sauce
  • Cubed the bread for the stuffing 
  • Made a lemon/berry trifle
  • Peeled all 10lbs of potatoes 
  • Prepared the breakfast casserole for tomorrow

What We Have Left For Tomorrow
  • Turkey (but that's my Stepdad's job...)
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Green Beans
  • Glazed Carrots
  • Stuffing
  • Biscuits
  • Gravy

I think we actually made quite a dent in what needed to be done. I feel a lot more confident that we will actually be able to get the rest done tomorrow as long as we follow our timeline because most of the stuff left won't take too long to make. Mike's family will be bringing the ham and pies.

I'm just so thankful that  our secret will finally be out. I don't know how much longer I can go not talking about being pregnant, let alone hide the morning sickness or continue to make up reasons why I don't want to eat food that I've always loved eating...

Tonight Mike and I are going to go to dinner and spend the night relaxing. As much as I've been dying to tell everyone that we are pregnant, it's been kind of nice to have this secret together. Sometimes we just look at each other and smile. In a way, I'm going to miss that. So I want to enjoy tonight since it's the last night we'll have with this secret.