Friday, November 16, 2012

My First Chalkboard Bump!

Well, we are nearing the end of my 5th week - today I am 5 weeks 6 days pregnant. It still seems surreal to say that. In fact, last night I went to to dinner with two of my best girlfriends for our weekly girls night out and it was the first time I've seen them in person since I told them the IVF worked (they are the only other people that know right now). Anyways, while we were out I said "I'm pregnant" a few times out loud in conversation and I was surprised at how awesome it felt to actually say it to someone other then Mike. I absolutely cannot wait until Thanksgiving to tell everyone else. Only six more days!!!

Anyways... Since this is the last day in my 5th week I've got to post my first chalkboard bump shot. Let me warn you, it's not my best photo by any means! I waited until the evening to take the photo so i'm extra bloated from dinner and the lights are making shadows... Next week I'm going to actually do my makeup and take the photo in the day before my belly gets extra flabby. Enjoy!

How Far Along: 5 weeks 6 days
Total Weight Gain: +4 pounds!! (Though I'm pretty sure this is all bloat related to IVF because there is NO WAY I've gained that much already!)
Maternity Clothes: No but I am living in leggings (again, IVF bloat)!
Stretch Marks: Nope and I'm cocoa buttering up my belly nightly to avoid them.
Sleep: Not the best. My back is killing me! I need to get the snoogle pillow ASAP!
Best Moment This Week: Getting my 3rd Beta and finally feeling like I am FOR SURE pregnant!
Miss Anything: Starting to miss alcohol. Sangria on Thanksgiving sounds DELISH!!
Movement: Nope, WAY too soon for that!
Food Cravings: Nothing specifically, more just definite ideas of what does and doesn't sound good when trying to figure out what to eat.
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: No, thankfully the nausea hasn't been too bad.
Gender: Too soon to know.
Labor Signs: Haha, NO!
Symptoms: Queasy if I don't eat every couple hours, stuffy nose, shortness of breath, and major pregnancy brain!
Belly Button In or Out: In, where I want it to stay!
Wedding Rings On or Off: On :)
Happy or Moody Most of the Time: Happy for the most part, but I get moody easily!
Looking Forward To: Our first ultrasound on Monday. I hope to see a heart beat and find out if it's a singleton or twins!


  1. Love the chalkboard! I hear ya on the IVF bloat. I'm living in leggings right now too.

  2. The chalkboard looks awesome! Loving the updates!

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  5. my stomach looks similar to yours I just wanted to know if your stomach is soft like mine or should it be hard

    1. Hi Kaylen! If I recall my belly was soft but harder then normal belly chub if that makes sense. It was like when you eat a ton and feel super bloated, just all the time :)
