Monday, November 19, 2012

I Saw My Baby For The First Time!

Baby Mitchell at 6weeks 2 days
It was magical! I know it's not much of a baby yet but it's truly amazing to know that little bean is inside me. Oh yeah, and we're only having 1 baby! We obviously knew that twins were an option since we agreed to put in 2 embryos  and we would have been happy with twins but I have to say I am slightly relieved to know that we are only having 1 baby. It will cost us less, be easier to adjust to, and it makes the pregnancy safer with less chances of complications.

Anyways, back to my precious Baby M. The black circle is the gestational sac which contains the amniotic fluid and the baby. You can kind of see a whitish blob in the center of the gestational sac, that is the yolk sac which provides nutrients to the baby until the placenta is fully developed. And lastly, above the yolk sac is a much smaller whitish blob that is the baby. It is currently only 2mm big but when I held my breath I could see it flickering which was it's heart beating! How unbelievable is that?? I think it's starting to sink in now that there really is a little baby in there and I am already SO in love with it.

Mike and I will go back to see Dr. Lee next Tuesday for another ultrasound. I will be 7weeks 3days and Dr. Lee thinks we will be able to hear the heart beat by then! I can't wait!


  1. SO EXCITING! Congrats and what a great relief to see the little bean :)

  2. Yay! Congrats on your little bean!!

  3. Aw- that's great you got to see your little baby and a heartbeat! Congrats!

  4. Gorgeous picture! That is so cool you could see the hearbeat! Congrats!!

  5. What a gorgeous sight! So happy for you!

  6. What an amazing sight! So happy for you!
